Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Close Encounter of the First Kind ...

If you r not from Iran , you never can quite understand how is it to live in Iran , a place that you never can be your true self ,doesn't matter if you are really bad or really good inside , the only thing that matters is you have to be the same , same as everybody else , same as they told you to be , same as they want you to be ... 
Now if you wanna be different you have to pay the prices , but prices are high , for example if you are an engineer and you spent 16 or 18 years of your life studying and now you wanna go to work somewhere in a company ... the first thing you will face is that if you are not connected with some fanatic regime's organs (like Basij for example) your chance will decrease , because even if you have better education or experience priority is with connected ones , but if you are lucky enough to find someway to fit your self somewhere , you have to pass religious test , and again doesn't matter if you have all the needed points for that job or you are clearly the perfect choice for that job and you are sure you are better in that job than most of the people that have applied for the job , you still need to pass the religious test because that s the only way that you can be approved for the job and there s no other way .
but let s say you still find a way to pass the test by cheating or study some old Islamic laws for a few nights , and now you have a job , the first thing you will notice is most of the people around you doesn't deserve to be there because you surely know lots of people that have better studying or better experience than these people but still they couldn't make it because they were not lucky enough to pass the barriers that regime put on their way , but these people was there because they were connected to regime and not because of their abilities .Time passes and you have to work as hard as you can to cover the losses of your coworkers who are not suitable for the job by any means , and now it s the time to climb up the stairs of success but no it s not gonna be that easy , because doesn't matter how hard you worked and what you did for your company , it matters that you never showed up for prayers and you always shave your beard so you are not qualified for a promotion , but your lazy coworker that has beard and smells like s*** and works less than half of what he supposed to work will be promoted , why ? because he has a beard and you don't and he always showed for prayers and you don't ...
and after a few years that same coworker that you always had to work twice as hard just to cover his losses , that has beard and always smell like s*** and always has rosary in his hand , is now your boss , with less knowledge and less experience , why ? because all that hard works does not matter if you don't look as you supposed to look ! if regime feels that you can be different , if you can be an un-islamic sample of good things and hard working ...
this is just one angle of life in Iran , you will find this situation in every aspect of your life , you have to show ,you have to act like nothing is right except what Islam and regime says, everybody ,everything is wrong except Islam and regime , the barbaric laws of Islam is the only way to your redemption and the man that is behind all this , the great dictator , the man who kill people easily is the great and the only representative of God himself on earth .
In iran if you think different , even if you look different you ll never have an easy or at least a fair life , but the situation will become hell for you if you start to get some attentions, that s where you put your life in danger , because whoever that is different and doesn't have the factors that regime wants you to have will be counted as a danger against regime or great Islam , so they will kill you the first chance they got to not threat the regime in anyway . they will kill with name of Allah , they will kill you for the name of Islam , and they will put any label they can on you so nobody get the guts to object regime's decision .... welcome to hell ...

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