Wednesday, June 15, 2011

   Hi , some of you may remember me , I posted here before under the name "the owl" ...

   Anyway it s been a long time and I m sorry about unexpected and sudden absent , something came up real quick , unexpected , unbelievable and I had to live in darkness in shadow ,be afraid of daylight ,be afraid of night , and after a while I had to delete any trace that left of me and finally leave the old country , my home , my friends , my family ...

   For a person that lived all of his/her life under the shadow of security under the shadow of freedom it s hard to believe how is it possible that something like that happen to an average person . unless that person is a serial killer or someone with very high anti society , anti government activities or in simple words "a very bad example !" ... and yes that s what they call us "a very bad example" . that s why it happen to me or people like me , but for being a bad example what should you do ? how bad you have to be so they call you a bad example ? how bad a bad example must be that they want it to be out , they want it to be dead , to be not to be !

    Let s talk bout it , how you live you life ? let s say you r an average young man ,an atheist , who works at office , you like to go to a good college someday, you may have your plans to get married with your girlfriend someday! and you love to hangout with your friends and gf at weekends and you like movies and some old school band like mmm lets say Guns n Roses ! probably you simply woke up every morning , go to work , may have a small talk about everyday stuffs with your colleagues , go back home ,have a little rest , listen to some music , sometimes watch a movie at home with your friends or girlfriend , some times hang out at a bar , sometimes playing your guitar ... sometimes you may have more going on in your life sometimes less ,but I think it s the most simplest image an average young man right ? now let s see how is a same person with same tastes and hopes lives in Iran ...
   You wake up at morning , you wanna shave but you remember let s not ! why ? because as much as you hate your beard but you hope you can have a little raise with it ! how ? it s simple in Iran ! you have beard ,you are mostly like a good person , a man of GOD !. you shave every morning ? you r mostly like a bad person cuz a man of god wont shave his beard because their prophet didn't ! and the worst thing is when you shave you may like the western culture and that s bad because the west does not like our regime , and whoever dislike our regime is against god ! because our regime is the only true kingdom of GOD ! anyway that goes your shaving ! 
you go to work , you may have a conversation with your colleagues , but it s not that simple you have to worry about what you may say , you have to be careful not to talk about your very own opinion , your point of view about the religion , about the regime and about anything related to them , why ? because somehow the people who works for regime always hear you and if they hear you and if you r lucky you will never get a raise at your work and you will stock in your post forever , and if you r not lucky enough and you recognize as a person who has deviant thoughts you will be out of job soon ! anyway you finish your work time , you comeback home and want to have a little peace ,  can you play your favorite music ? no !!! cuz the Guns n Roses is the music of evil ! and if the neighbors complain about it to police you will be in a very very big problem NOT because of the loudness because of the music and the propagation of western culture among the youth ! so you decide to watch a movie instead ,but you r sick of the Islamic televisions and so called Islamic movies and you wanna watch another movie . does it allowed ? no ! you only can watch the foreign moves that your regime allows you to ! and that the movies that they censored the hell out of it ,movies that they even censored any kiss scene between a man and a woman , the movies that they censored any so called nudity ! nudity ? not the nudity you think ! ANYTHING ANYTHING that shows below the neck and above the ankle is nudity ! you don believe it ? I can show you censorship in Iran media ... anyway you can not watch it online cause most of the sites is censored because of the so called cultural differences , sites like youtube , like facebook , like and lot more , till 2009 as they said they filtered 5 million web pages , and even if you find a webpage that is not filtered or if you pass the filers somehow and get access to any site you want the connection speed is way slower to let you watch anything online , anyway , you manage to somehow find some illegal sources to buy some DVDs from , and you wanna watch them , you can not call your friends every time cause the neighbors will complain about it to police not because you disturb them because they do not like some young people to hangout together because they may do some none-Islamic things ! like drinking alcohol and worse there could be a girl with them ! and that s a bad example for their child !
so by now i think you now why you can not call your girlfriend either ! so good or bad it will pass , the night will finish and another will start like that , and after a while you decide to see your beloved girlfriend ! you certainly can not call her to come to your house that easy you have to watch out for neighbors ! it s not their business but in a Islamic culture any connection between a man and a woman who are not related by blood or not MARRIED is ILLEGAL ! it s against Islamic culture and it s against the will of god ! so if they call the police and police come to your place and find you with a girl you will be in a deep problem and you can say goodbye to your hope to get a raise at your job and ... so I think you can imagine that in this situation you can not go out that easily , you have to hide from police and get me start on f*** "baij" the army of god ! the arm of Islam ! 
   I hope i could draw a simple picture of Iran , in a situation a so called Islamic culture that make your life a living hell for small things like what I just said , Imagine you are an Atheist , you don believe in what they told you , can you imagine that ? you never can talk about it freely you never can not talk about with all your friends , if anybody ask you about your believes you have to lie you absolutely have to lie , why ? because in Islam if anybody born "Moslem" and deny his/her religion , they call him/her an apostate , and the penalty of an apostate is death , so if anybody ask you ,you are a proud Moslem ! 
    What about the music you ask ? no no no , you can not play any music you want ! why ? because in Islam ,ANY MUSIC THAT MAKES YOU FEEL DELIGHT IS A MATERIAL AND PHYSICAL PLEASURE AND ANY PLEASURE THAT IS NOT BY GOD's WILL IS A BIG SIN !!!
the most funny part is even when they show a music that they agreed with on TV they will not show the instruments and players because it s not good ! why ? because it may tempt you to learn and play music and if you learn to play music you may play a something that is a sin ! 
so you r not allowed to play anything with your instrument ! so forget about playing your guitar either ..

   So what happen to me ? why am i a bad example ? how bad i was that they want to put me in jail , how bad were my friends that went into jail ?!
   I tell you what , as I said music is almost is an illegal thing , because first of all when you like western culture you are a bad person because west doesn t like our regime , so they are against the great ISLAM and the GREAT GOD so they call the west the GREAT SATAN ! so when you don like their rules so you like the west ! and when you like the west you mostly hate Islam so you hate god and that s enough to be a walking dead in Iran , second of all ,I explained how is it possible to do a very great sin when you play music ! and band like Guns n Roses , or worse ,bands like Metallica that their music is a bit odd for every first time listener , in Islamic opinions is without a doubt a SATANIC voice that sent by Satan himself to destroy the minds of youth , now you Imagine you are an Atheist who hates the regime , who loves metal music , who hate Islamic culture , who hates their so called God , who hates their Mullahs and all your life you hide your identity , you hide who you really are even that you know you r not a bad person even if you can not hurt an small animal , just because your opinions and thought is different from what the damned regime want you to have ,and now just because of JUST BECAUSE of being at an underground metal concert , you are at the center of the ruthless government agents attention , and they put most of your friends in jail just because of their underground music activities ,and now they come after you ! 
   That s my sin ! that s why i had to left everything i had everything i worked my whole life on and worse i had to leave behind my beloved family and friends and run ...
   sorry for my bad english ...

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