Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Goody goody mullah

Once upon a time in a land called boneland , people live their life as usual , some of them go to work , some of them go to mosque ,some of them go to bars and some of them playing with themselves all the time .
In boneland they call the people who play with themselves "Mullah" , Mullahs where everywhere , and they were the most unhappy people of boneland , because everbody in boneland has a life and was doin something ,except them ... not because nobody let them do anything , because no matter what they have they wanted something they couldn't have and that was a life ...
So they were always thinking about the ways that they could get a life as they were playing with themselves . 
One day ,one of the mullahs that they called " the goody goody mullah " suddenly thought of something , goody goody mullah was one of the worse mullahs , but because he was a witch he made a beautiful image for him self ,and that s why people called him "goody goody mullah"
any way , one day that goody goody mullah was very busy playing with himself , and in a same time he was thinking of a way to get a life , he thought of something ,... he told it to other mullahs and they were all impressed with that idea .
they made a big , a very very big pulpit for him , he climed and climed up until he reached the top of the pulpit , and from there he told people of boneland "people of boneland , are you happy with your lives ?" at first nobody listened to him that much , some minded their own business , and some siad "yes , we are" , and then he asked "why are you happy with your lives ?" so , more people get interested , because they ask themselves "are we really happy ?" the goody goody mullah sees that people are starting to notice him , so he asked again "why are you not happier ? why are you have to work to be happy ?"
people of boneland were greedy and start to ask themselves "yeah , we want to be happier and we don't wanna work too !" so they yelled "what should we do ?" and the goody goody mullah says : "you can be happier , you can have life and still doing nothing but to play with yourselves" ... now everybody start to attention , and start to think "why not ? we deserve that" . but there were some bad people who didn't want to be happier so they yelled "no , we are happy , and you can not be happier and still play with yourself" but the goody goody mullah says yes you can , and then stand up and said whoever wants to be happy I can show you the way but for that you have to get rid of those bad peoples who do not want to be happier and since they exist it can not be done " so the people of boneland start to kill those bad people .
after that the goody goody mullah said " the first step is not to sin , and to be able to do that you have to close your eyes , because the eyes are the instruments of sin ,so everybody have o do that except mullahs because they are different" so everybody closed their eyes , and who ever opened his eyes after that , the mullahs took his eyes out , and everybody were agree with that , cause nobody wants to be "not more happy" because of somebody else . 
after that the goody goody mullah said " the next step to not sin is to not talk , because talking is bad and it s the work of evil " and since everybody afraid of evil they stoped talking , and whoever talked since then the mullahs took their tounge off with a pincer , and everybody were happy with that because no body wants to be "not more happy" because of somebody else .
after that the goody goody mullah said you can keep your ears because it s the only way you can hear him and told them try to not sin with your ears or mullahs have to cut them off as well , now the next step is to put your blood in glasses , because the blood is the color of evil and because of that the evil can make you do bad stuffs , so everybody agreed with that , and they put their bloods in glasses and gave them to mullahs to keep it for them , because the mullahs were the only ones that couldn't be tempt by evil . but it was n't because of that , it was because the blood was the life that mullahs didn't have ,and now with blood they have !
and then the goody mullah said start playing with yourself until you feel happier and whoever played with himself the most will be happier the most , so people start to play with themselves as hard as they could .and after a while they couldn't think of anything except playing with themselves and they forgot about the life they had .
now years passed and the goody goody mullah is in heaven with 70 virgins and now a better mullah called "the dragon boy" and his sidekick "the sheep" is sitting on the pulpit ...

thanks for watching ladies and gentlemen , have nice happy life .